Sunday, December 1, 2024

SSB Success!

Woke up way too early this morning, and ended up watching a bunch of YouTube videos.  One of them I came across was this, which made me realize I had been using the wrong BFO frequency for my radio!  Adjusted things, and I can hear people!  I was doing the BFO on the wrong side of the filter, getting frequency inversion.  For the amount of times I heard n2cqr talk about it, you think I would have gotten it right!

The voices were super quiet - don't have the right gain in the right places - but I could hear it!  I've also got a bit of a ground loop I think, so I had to make sure I was touching the audio amp potentiometer or my amplifiers became oscillators.  But at least now I know I'm not crazy - I really couldn't figure out why I wasn't hearing what I expected.

For my reference, here are the frequencies.  I am doing the 20M band, and the BFO (ch2 here) is at the top end of my crystal filter.  (I measured it the other day as going from ~8.9967 to ~8.9986.)

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