I made a bandpass filter the other day, but was having difficulty getting it exactly like I wanted messing with the turns on the coil. Thought it would be nice to have one that I could tune. Of course, N6QW had something for this. But the transformer he suggested wasn't available through Mouser any more. He had a vendor out of the UK, but the shipping was pretty high for just the parts I wanted.
Then later I was looking on Aliexpress, and came across the very thing. A seller by the name of
"Bohinda inductance coil Store" manufactures the exact thing (their part name is "(7E )42IF123A"). They will also manufacture to your spec and also have "blank" ones for you to wind your own.
I quickly threw together one for 30M (since I didn't want to bother taking the capacitor out for 20M). Also tried my hand at winding one. (I got a different design for the build-your-own on accident, but turned out well.)